Saturday, December 02, 2006

dewey the cat

we has some fery sad news today. a famous kitty has passed to the rainbow bridge. hims name was dewey readmore books. hims was the mascot of a library in iowa. here is the linky to read abouts hims. dewey readmore books


  1. How nice of the library people to keep him. The library hadded their own mascot. I like the idea of cremating him and saving his ashes.

  2. He had a good long life an it is good that thay are keeping his ashes so he will always be in the library.

  3. I loved the story. It's really nice the library kept him and so I also think his ashes should stay there. I bet he had a lot of people love him being a mascot in a public place.

  4. Wow, what a cool story! 19 is a good long life I'm sure filled with adventures and lots of love in the library.
