Tuesday, November 28, 2006

white wednesday and kimiko katnapped!

it is white wednesday agin. i have been sleeping alot on the shelf above mommees mon-e-tur. well, she cames home early yesterday and grabbed kimiko and stuffed her into the blue box. then she tooks her out of the house and put her in the brown machine and drove off! poor kimiko didn know what hit hers! bouts 200 hours later, okay maybe just one, she came back wifs kimiko. kimiko had THAT SMELL on her. the V-E-T smell! poor kimiko. drugged away and taken to the v-e-t. who knows what torture she went thru! but mommees spoiled hers all evening to make it up to hers. i thinks i might stand watch for a few days in case mommees gets some funny idea about puttin me in the blue box.


  1. Hi Yuki, I'm glad you have your pic-fer up for White wednesday. Meowmize is running a lil behindez her. I'm sorry about Kimiko, Sia and Shamy had the same fing happen to them. Except Shamy peed in his carrier.-Snowy

  2. Fank yo furr coming an visiting owr blog. We haf nefurr been to see yoo befurr, but we will put yer linkie on owrs so we can come again. We hope kimiko wuz all right after being stuffed in a box, sownds reely terrybull. We don't fink we can get those fishy flakes in the UK but thay look gud. We will tell owr mum to look owt furr them.

  3. That's a furry nice White Wensdy shot, Yuki! I'd be careful too about the blue box. Stay far far aways from it! We hopes Kimiko is all ok tho!
    Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi, and Gree

    Zeus is my Reason for the Season!

  4. Hi yuki, I forgotz to sayz you lookz vurry purrty in the window.-Snowy

    Zeus is my reason for the season.

  5. I was trying to type really fast and get to 101 before the contest was over, so I didn't see I posted after you.

    Zeus is my reason for the season1

    I would be very suspicious of mommees too. She's probably up to something. Mommees often are.

    thnak you for coming to visit my blog. I will add you to my list of cats!

  6. Excellent White Wednesday shot! You look marvelous.

  7. It's so nice to see another white Wednesday picture.

  8. Nice Wednesday Window shot!

  9. Yeah - you better keep a good eye out coz I haf a funny feeling that you's next. Mommy tooked me an Angie to the v.e.t. at the same time and we did much better than usual. I only cried a coupla times. Usually I scream alla way there.
    ~Beau Beau

  10. Do you see a lot of different things going on when you were looking out the window? I was watching Mom running in and out from the car this morning when she was going someplace. She did it twice, goodness she must be forgetful. Cleo and I watched her for awhile then got bored and left the window. Mom finally left.

