Sunday, March 18, 2007

my big weekend

i coodnts wait till monday to tell eferyones what my big weekend plans were . . . I invited my man cat taps ofer saturday. my mommees saids he cood come ofer while she, daddee, an the girl went to the dragstrip. iI cants figure out whys they go somewheres else to drag strips of stuff around. why cants they do that at home?

anyways. i reds the song taps rote fer me on his blog. it was sooooo romantic. ans he is such a handsome man cat. well, taps came ofer to bisit wif me and we had katnip kookies (that I heps mommees make) and tuna water to drink. we hads a nice time lookin out the big pikshure window and snugglin on the couch.

guess what? taps brot me a present. see it in the pikshure? isnts it the most bee-u-tee-full necklace efer! look how those perty pink diamonds shine! it mus haf cost him as much as a years supply of primo nip. taps is a man cat who nos how to make my heart beat extra fast.


  1. My dear sweet and beautiful Yuki. I'm happy that you love your pink diamond neacklace. I had a wonderful time with you saturday. I will be dreaming of you until we can see each other again.
    purrs, and kitty kisserz, your man cat Taps

  2. I'm so happy to hear you both had a wonderful time - you look extra-lovely in that necklace!

  3. Wow, what a wonderful Saturday. You really look great in your diamond necklace.

  4. That is wonderful!! Your necklace looks lovely and I'm glad you've got such a nice boyfriend cat.


  5. Yuki, that necklace is gorgeous! Pink diamonds are the very best.

  6. Yuki won my contest! Please check it out at my blog and send me your address at juniorbabeeAThotmailDOTcom.


  7. oooh - how lovely! what a sweety he is. you two make a great couple.

  8. What a beeyoutiful necklace!!! We're so happy to hear that Taps came over to visit you while the silly beans went dragging strips around.

    Thank you for your kind words on our blog. Yes, what I learned forever changed me. Seven years later it still hurts.

    Luf, Us & Maw

  9. That is a gorgeous necklace! You look very beautiful wearing it. :)

  10. Ooo, dats a beyootiful neklace. Yoo gots a good boyfrend cat! Yoo look so elegant in dat joolry.

  11. Oh, that's so sweet, Yuki. And I bet the catnip cookies and the tuna water was sooooo yummy! My sister Marilyn MonREOW would love that diamond necklace, too.

  12. Dat is a beeyootyful necklace, and we are glad you had a lovely weekend wiv Taps

  13. That is so wonderful. Could another cat wedding be in the future in the cat blogosphere?!

  14. I'm so glad you had a real nice weekend Yuki. Your necklace really looks pretty on you. I hear they say diamonds are a girls best friend but it sounds like Taps is your best friend. Mom biggified your picture and she said you have such a pretty little face on you. Well, you do.


  15. aw, what a nice boyfriend cat. that is a beautiful necklace! i'm glad you had fun with taps.

  16. Wow that is some necklace there. How furry nice ~Merlin, Shadow, KO kO

  17. Wowza! What a beautiful necklace Yuki! It looks just gorgeous against your white furs. Taps, what a mancat you are! Glad you two had a great time.
