Thursday, November 23, 2006

turkey day and being thankful

today is turkey day! or as mommees says, today is the day we gobble up effurything in sight and then try to figure out why we did sumfing to make arselfs so miserable.

NEWSFLASHY! we has been gettins ars dried fishy flakes effurday for a whole week. mommees has been spinklin it on ars crunchies. it really makes the crunchies taste 200% better. mommees tells ars "bachan" (grandmother in japanese) how much we enjoys it and she brings us a super size container of its. bachan fills it ups whenefer we eats it all. she says we is spoiled, we say we is loved. we ars right, arnt we?

today is also called thanksgiving. so we has made up a list of tings we are thankful for. oh yeah, they is not in the order of importance,

  1. dried fishy flakes
  2. stinkly goodness effury day
  3. crunchies
  4. nip
  5. mommees
  6. daddee
  7. the girl
  8. soft pillows and blankies
  9. a house to live in
  10. clothes piles (they is suppose to be a pikshure - bad blogger!)
  11. kisses and scritches
  12. dried fishy flakes (yeah we listed it twice, it's that good)
  13. puter mon-e-ters (theys is soooo warm)
  14. mommees wool blankie (its extra special)
  15. cat blogging com-moon-i-tee

thats ars list. we has so much to be thankful for. how bout you?


  1. o, that be such a good list. puttin tha fish flakes twice wuz a good idee, too.

    i put ur's linkie on tha Cat Blogosphere, too.

  2. What a great list! I agree! Especially clothes piles right from the dryer. mmmmmm
    I'm going to linky to your website on mine if that is OK.
    I love the white wednesday pictures!
    My mommy was sick so I missed like 3 midnight mondays! sigh.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
