Monday, July 31, 2006

mine turn!

yuki here! i has had to wait so long to gets mine turn.

first, ars woofie is doing ok. hims still dusent walk good but hims is eatin lots better. mommys got hims some woofie stinky goodness. hims loves it. rex doctor says hims liver and kidnees is good but his him-o-goblin an red blud cells is a little bits bad. the doctor wants to take pichures of his insides. i dont knows how hims is gonna gets a box insides of rex. i hopes it dont hurt. maybe it is a really small pichure box.

mommys took lots of pichures of me on the girls bed. i sneaked on it and gots really comfy. the girl has lots of stuff animals and pillows on hers bed. best of all, hers dont make hers bed. so if i gets in it no one can tells. mommys says these pichures show how perty my white furrs is. i gives hers a kitty kiss for saying that. i evens purrs for her. i dont purrs for mommy very offen cuz it would spoil hers. **yawns** time for mines beauty nap. bye byes.


  1. Hi Yuki (& Kimiko too)

    You blend in very well with those stuffed animals!

    Welcome to our cat blogging community. You are both invited to join our social group Coats of Many Colors. If you do, you'll get a membership button for your sidebar.

    George (Founder)
    Coats of Many Colors

  2. Yuki, you are very pretty and very white. Love your eyes and pink nose.

  3. Hi beautiful Yuki! Your fur and pretty eyes look purrfectly matched w/the girls bedding and pillows! Glad your woofie is doing better!

  4. fanks effuryones for the nice tings you says abouts me. i have a secret. i ams known to sneak green paper froms mines beans. they calls the paper monees. i thinks its funs to play wifs. shhhh! dont tells my beans. i hids the papers when i is done playin wifs it. - yuki

  5. Yuki, you are beautiful. We could be "opposite twins!" Thank you for saying nice things about me the other day when I was Kat's Cat of the Day. I felt very honored to have so many people pay me so many compliments.

    The best thing about sleeping in an unmade bed is all the lumps and piles that the covers make. Very comfy!

  6. You are so purty, you look like one of the stuffies.


  7. Spot here I am tagging you two! Come to my site for details.

  8. Hey - You've got fluffies also! Do you're eat baseboards?

  9. Yuki you are one pretty cat. Love your pose on the bed, so regal looking. You sure do look real comfy on that bed. Bet you slept real good.
