Wednesday, September 02, 2009

white wednesday

moms is busy trying to take care of the gerl. she hafs been runnin a fever. i hafnts seen no runnin by the gerl, looks like she is jus been layin on the couch to me. no skool agin for the gerl.

moms is jus started a new class on the innernets. she puts kimiko on her desks and feeds her while she reads her classwerk. she says kimiko eats little bits at a time but is always hungry. she asks for food but donts eats much. dont tell kimiko i tolded you this cuz she wood gets sooooo emabarrassed but her tummy makes lots of noises all the time and them noises is so loud you cans hears them across the room. so we hafs been gettin feds lots here cuz (u know the rool) when you feeds one you feeds EFFURYONE. so tt is in food heaven. that brat cants never get enuff food. she cleans efurryones plate after they is done. moms says she donts hafs to wash the plates afer tt is done eatin. i ams glad she dus washem cuz i donts want tt germs.

donts tell moms but sumtimes i hafs a little trubble walkin. when i first gets up frum my beauty naps my back legs are a little bits wobbly. i hafs to gain my composeshure as the beans say. i nefer knowed i lost sum of its.
well, my belly is full frum anofer delishus breakfast. now it is time fur one of my beauty naps. later!


  1. hi you beauty finely u get to come on here we have a new one and her eat us if the bean let her we just hate her and want her to go way NOOOOOOOO bean sey Brett stey so when her is in her Crate neping we get to gome in to bean room SO dont let TT puss u aroud show her u ar the BOSS LADY

  2. our the mom has to get her "feets under her" too when she gets up.

    you're looking lovely today!

  3. Hi my beautiful Yuki! I hope Kimiko starts to eats more. I have that problem with all my fur siblings here. They always wnat my foodies. So our meowmize lets me go in the back yard whre she feeds me. Purrs and snuggles your man cat Taps
