Saturday, March 08, 2008

winners have been announced!

we hafs announced the winners of ars auction and raffle. go to y2k4friends and see!


  1. Congratulations to all the winners. You are so nice to help our catfriends in need.

  2. Hello! I'm fine! Everything went well. Beanies have been taking good care of me! thanks for checking in!

    My beans and i appreciate your kind words!

  3. Congratulations to all the winners! We hope you raised lots of green papers for all the kitties!

    In answer to your question about our auction - it's a set of six greeting cards, 3 woofie and 3 kitty. The bidding ends tomorrow, so feel free to bid!

  4. we sended you an email about the auction and sending a payment. we haven't heard back?
