Wednesday, November 28, 2007

dancin, dancin, dancin!

we is dancin and sale-a-bratin cuz mommees puter is fixed. she gotsa reload all of the stuff so it will be like it was before it broked. she efens gotted all of the pikshures of the memree cards so she cans start helpin us post agins. WOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mommees FINALLY put ars profiles on catster. come ofer and bisit us there. she still gots to get some more pikshures uploaded and finish fillin out the info on us. at least she got SUMTHIN done.


  1. Hooray! I am glad your computer got fixed. Computers are very hard.

  2. Hi My sweet Yuki,
    I'm very happiez that your meowmzie finally got the com-poo-ter fixed. Do youz wants to come snuggles this weekend with me?
    Purss your mancat...Taps

  3. Hooray, fixed computers mean more time for you to blog!

  4. That has to be a relief! Even without blogging, it's awful hard to get by without a computer anymore.

  5. Hello! You should post more!

    How are you! Hope the puter is doin well and your beanie as well. :)
