Tuesday, June 19, 2007

white wednesday

well, i isnts all white but i gots white on me, ans i is sleepin on the white side of the floofy comforter on the big bean bed wif sheets that gots white on thems. so that makes this a triple white wednesday!


  1. That is a lot of white! Mommy wants to pet your white tummy tum. I won't let her pet my belly.
    I'm glad you're OK, just busy. We'll be here when you get back!

  2. Kimiko, you look very snuggly there!

  3. you look furry snuggly and cute Kimiko!

  4. Hehehee, my mom sez da same thing bout falling off da face of da earth. Can't happen, cuz dad sez dat gravity is the law and mom don't brake no laws. We'll be here when yoo get back on track. Looking forward to dat happening soon.

  5. Yep we fink yoo got enuff white there furr a white Wednesday.

  6. Hi Kimiko! i finks youz has a bunch of white to participate in White Wednesday!..Snowy

    Hi my sweet Yuki! I was wondering if youz would likes to go Las Vegas with me Friday. I finks it is weekend trip. I do hopes youz will join me.
    Luvs, your Mancat Taps

  7. Hehee, you look so snuggly and comfy on your beans white comforter Kimiko!

  8. We can hardly see yoo there's so much white!

  9. Hi Kimiko! You look so comfy! Thanks for coming ot my wedding!

  10. Kimiko you have enough white to be on White Wednesday. So glad to see you and Yuki back. Guess your Mom is like ours, she doesn't get on the puter as much as she used to. She says she has to get some things done around here. What's more important, work or visiting?? I vote for visiting! Oh yes, and napping too!!


