Sunday, December 31, 2006

happy new years!

we wants to wish efurryone a happy new years.
  • we hopes yu keeps yur rez-o-loo-shuns more than 1 day.
  • we ars gonna pray for a year filled wif more good times than bad.
  • a year wif homeless animals findin there furrever homes
  • a year where sick animals gets better
  • a year where beans teach more beans how im-por-tint it is fer thair kittys and woofies to have lady gardenectomys and hoo-haa-ectomys
  • we wishes all of ar friends in the cat blogoshere get lots of temptations (or whatever there fav-or-ite treat is), lots of stinky goodness, lots of nip, lots of crunchies, lots of lovins from there beans, lots of treats, a nice comfy place to sleep, an lots of nip (never hurts to gets extra nip).



  1. Very Happy 2007 from Missy Blue Eyes, KC, and lil Bear

  2. Happy Noo Yeerz Yuki and Kimiko! We hopes you has a sooper 2007!
    Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree

  3. Dose am good rezolooshuns. Happy healthy, wealthy, and wise 2007 to you all! May it be a great year.

  4. Happy New Year! I had to miss the party too because I had to chaperone mommy and daddy's party. They had lotsa beans over. I got to stay in my safe room until it was almost over and then made sure some people stayed.
    We love your wish list and hope they all come true. Great Secret Paws gifts!

  5. HAppy New Yearz! Those were great new yearz re-zo-lut-ionz. - Snowy

  6. Happy New Year!! I hope all your New Years Prayers are answered!

    Sorry I'm a bit late, I partied a bit hard at Hot(M)BC's party and slept through New Years Day and I'm still catching up!

  7. Happy New Year, Yuki & Kimiko!! We hope all yore beans and efurrycat are feeling good soon. I fink yore mom and the others need some catnippy - it makes us feel better!

    Finny & Buddy
